Weed and Pest Planned Activity


Mosquito Control Applications 

Weed and Pest will be applying BTI to control larval mosquitoes in and around the City on a daily basis.

ULV truck applications will be used in response to elevated levels of vector mosquitoes. While performing ULV applications Weed and Pest employees will not stop to interact with residents to ensure safety of both parties. If you have questions or concerns about Weed and Pest ULV applications please contact us at 307-637-6475 or email us at strowbridge@cheyennecity.org

More information on ULV truck spraying can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/mosquitoes/mosquito-control/community/truck-spraying.html

Mosquito control operations have been completed for the 2023 season. Operations will resume in spring of 2024.

Herbicide Applications

Herbicides will be applied when needed to control designated noxious weeds on City owned property.  Times, locations, and product used will be listed here on the day before the applications. All applications are on a weather permitting basis.  

Weed and Pest, or its contractors, will periodically treat medians, sidewalks, and other infrastructure to control unwanted vegetation.


A noxious weed control treatment is planned to occur at the Civic Commons Park drainage area from 10am – 11am. This treatment will target Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense) using Milestone, 2,4-D Amine, Silenergy, Cornbelt Gardian, and Hi-Light Blue. We ask that you avoid areas being actively worked in and avoid touching areas dyed blue from the application. For more information please email us at rputnam@cheyennecity.org or look at our Weed and Pest Products page.