City Treasurer



The City Treasurer's Department oversees the management and monitoring of all City fund revenues and expenditures, and is comprised of eight employees.  The primary responsibility of the Department involves maintenance of the City's financial accounting system and financial records in order to accurately report the City's financial position at all times.  Additional responsibilities of the City Treasurer's Department include the oversight of the City's annual budget, financial planning and reporting, accounting operations, payroll, and purchasing procedures.  The City Treasurer's Department employees work closely with other City Departments and the Governing Body to ensure the expenditure of City funds are compliant with the approved budget, as well as with local, state, and federal laws and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

The City Treasurer's Department Divisions include Finance, Purchasing, and Housing & Community Development.  More information about each of these Divisions, as well as additional resources can be found below.

About the City Treasurer


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City Treasurer Robin Lockman earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Wyoming and is a licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the State of Wyoming.  Prior to her 2019 appointment as the City Treasurer of Cheyenne, she served as the Chief Fiscal Officer for Community Action of Laramie County from 2018-2019 and was the Deputy City Treasurer of Cheyenne from 2011-2017.  Treasurer Lockman has gained additional fiscal management knowledge and experience through other positions and board appointments held with local and state government agencies, non-profit organizations, and banking institutions.

Through her prior appointment as Deputy City Treasurer, Treasurer Lockman has an extensive understanding of the responsibilities and duties charged to her position.  As City Treasurer, she is focused on promoting financial transparency and accountability of City funds, and ensuring the City’s adherence with local, state, and federal laws and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

Treasurer Lockman is a lifelong Wyomingite who is dedicated to serving her community, city, and state.  Cheyenne is her hometown where she resides with her husband, Rex, and she is a proud mother and grandmother of two children and three grandchildren.

Finance Division

Finance Division

Budget Responsibilities

The Finance Division is responsible for preparing an annual operating budget for the City’s fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30.  The annual operating budget includes all City funds and accounts and identifies proposed expenditures to take place during the fiscal year and the means of financing them.  The City Treasurer adheres to Wyoming State Statute requirements regarding the preparation of the annual operating budget, and distributes the proposed budget in accordance with the following timetable:
  • Prior to May 15 of each year, the City Treasurer submits a copy of the proposed annual operating budget for the fiscal year commencing the following July 1.
  • Public hearings for the budget are scheduled no earlier than the second Tuesday in June, and no later than the third Tuesday in June of each year.
  • The Governing Body must adopt the annual operating budget within 24 hours of the public hearing.

Copies of the City's Approved Budget and Narrative Budget Report documents can be found here.

Financial Reporting Responsibilities

In addition to budget preparation, the Finance Division also oversees the administration and distribution of the Department's financial reports to City Departments, City Council, and the public.  These reports include Monthly Financial Reports, the City's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), and Annual Financial and Compliance Reports.  Access to copies of these reports can be found here

Accounts Receivable Responsibilities

The Finance Division's accounts receivable duties include processing of miscellaneous accounts receivable billings and statements, oversight of the collection of accounts receivable per the City's Collection Policy(PDF, 27KB), and resolving customer payment issues.

Accounts Payable Responsibilities

Accounts payable duties of the Finance Division includes processing payments to vendors in accordance with budgetary constraints, contractual obligations, state and federal guidelines, and governing policies and procedures, resolving vendor payment issues, and processing 1099 reporting at fiscal year-end.

Payroll Responsibilities

The Finance Division is also responsible for the oversight of the City's payroll processes and procedures.  Duties pertaining to this function include processing monthly payroll for over 750 employees, handling all changes to existing employees' deductions and benefits (except for health, dental, and life insurance which are managed by the City Human Resources Department), submitting all payroll tax and benefit withholdings and preparing all necessary payroll tax reports while ensuring compliance with all federal and state laws, and process and filing of W-2s at fiscal year-end.

Fiscal Policy and Procedure Responsibilities

The City's fiscal policies and procedures are also administered and distributed to City departments by the Finance Division. 




The Purchasing Office is responsible for the implementation and administration of the City’s purchasing policies and procedures.  These procedures include the release of formal bids for a variety of goods and services, as well as obtaining quotes for items not required to go through the formal bidding process.  Additionally, the Purchasing Office ensures all purchases of goods and services are made in accordance with state and federal laws, in addition to city ordinances.

More information and additional resources about the Purchasing Office can be found here: Go to Purchasing

Staff Directory

For a Staff Directory with contact information, please click here:  Staff Directory

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:     Where do I get help with vehicle & property taxes, vehicle registrations, and vehicles titles?

A:     Laramie County is responsible for the processing of the above mentioned items.  Go to Laramie County's Website

Department Head

Robin Lockman, CPA